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Seeding Sustainability

Full Programme Overview

About the Course

Seeding Sustainability is a project-based learning module with a year-end event, the Ice Cream

Olympics. It uses a local place and context, to enable learners to gain knowledge and skills around local ecology, environmental factors and issues, project management and execution.

Programme Description:

Using thematic and place-based STEAM pedagogical approaches. Seeding Sustainability uses the local place to enable learners to gain knowledge and skills around contemporary global issues through local engagement and 21st Century Skills.

There is a year-end event that the module themes (which are broken down into 7 micro-modules and lesson plans) work toward. The forward-planning guide will enable teachers across subject areas to collaborate and plan in order to develop learners’ understanding and skills to complete the project.

The pogramme has been devised to enable teachers to select lesson plans that suit their timetables and personal planning.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learners gain insights into local ecology, environmental factors, and contemporary global issues.

  • Project Management: Through a year-end event, they acquire project planning and execution skills.

  • 21st Century Skills: The program promotes collaboration, local engagement, and critical thinking while aligning with place-based STEAM pedagogy.

Research +

SDG 15 Problem to Pitch

Food Sovereignty

Experimentation + Exploration

Growing and Foraging

Secrets of Soil


Churning Games

Ice Cream Olympics Event Production

Exploring Edible Medicinal Plants

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