Muinín Catalyst Sustainable STEAM

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Supporting Skills

Report Writing
This resource introduces learners to the importance of writing reports. The resource supports students to understand the characteristics, style, layout and format of reports .

OBREDIM - Boundaries
This lesson develops learners' understanding of challenging boundaries and perception using sensory observation skills, transferable skills at the core of many subjects.

Formal Letter Writing
This resource introduces the characteristics, style, layout and uses for formal writing.

Recording Information
This lesson introduces learners to the traditional ways of recording and transmitting information.

SDG Scavenger Hunt
This resource gives the images and clues to undertake a school-wide SDG scavenger hunt - this can be used during event weeks e.g. Science week

SDG Webquest
Learners are encouraged to begin to understand the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their influence on the current global agenda.

OBREDIM - Observation
This lesson develops learners' observation skills, transferable skills at the core of many subjects. Using the 1st phase of the OBREDIM tools.

Structuring Walking Debates
A walking debate is a useful and engaging strategy to develop your learners' communication and critical thinking skills.